Renew Sharepoint Connection String
Add a certificate to an application and share the secret with the owner
End result is that a text file containing the environment variables needed to connect to Sharepoint Online is created and shared with the owner using the owners OneDrive.
The owners gets an email notifying them that connection information has been shared with them.
$root = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath(( join-path $PSScriptRoot ..))
. "$root/.koksmat/pwsh/check-env.ps1" "GRAPH_APPID", "GRAPH_APPSECRET", "GRAPH_APPDOMAIN", "OWNER_UPN", "TARGET_APPID"
$subject = "CN=$env:OWNER_UPN"
try {
Generate a certificate
. "$PSScriptRoot/generate-cert.ps1"
New-Cert -SubjectName $subject -BaseFileName "sharepoint"
Add the certificate to the application
$certDir = $env:CERTDIR
$pfx = Get-Content -Path (join-path $certDir "sharepoint.b64pfx") -Raw
$cert = Get-Content -Path (join-path $certDir "sharepoint.b64cer") -Raw
. "$PSScriptRoot/add-cert.ps1" -ApplicationId $env:TARGET_APPID -Subject $subject -certBase64 $cert
Share the secret with the owner
. "$PSScriptRoot/share-secret.ps1" -secret $pfx
catch {
write-host "Error: $_" -ForegroundColor:Red
Environment Variables Used
| Environment Variable | |----------------------|| CERTDIR | | OWNER_UPN | | TARGET_APPID |