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Tired of manually building user interfaces

· 3 min read

Unlock the Power of Automation with Generating User Interfaces from Data Models

Are you tired of manually building user interfaces for your applications? As a DevAdmin or developer managing complex environments, you know the pain of translating data models into functional, user-friendly interfaces. What if I told you there’s a way to automate this process, saving you hours of work and ensuring consistency across your projects? Let me introduce you to—a powerful tool that can take your data model and generate a fully functional user interface with just a few clicks.

What is is an innovative platform designed to bridge the gap between your data models and the user interfaces that interact with them. Whether you’re managing a small project or overseeing an enterprise-level application, can streamline the process of UI creation, allowing you to focus on the logic and functionality that really matter.

Why Use for UI Generation?

  • Speed and Efficiency: Manually creating user interfaces can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with complex data structures. automates this process, generating a UI that’s not only functional but also customizable to fit your specific needs.

  • Consistency Across Projects: Ensuring a consistent look and feel across different interfaces can be challenging. helps maintain uniformity, so your users have a seamless experience no matter which part of your application they’re interacting with.

  • Ease of Use: Even if you’re not a UI/UX designer, makes it easy to create professional-looking interfaces. Simply provide your data model, and does the rest, offering intuitive and responsive designs out of the box.

How Does It Work?

Using is straightforward, check it here


Real-World Use Case:

Picture this: you're tasked with managing a Microsoft 365 environment and need to create a self-service portal for managing meeting rooms within your organization. Traditionally, this would involve significant time spent coding and testing to ensure the interface meets your needs. However, with, in combination with Koksmat Studio, you can streamline this process dramatically. By leveraging these tools, you can generate a fully functional user interface in just minutes, eliminating the need for hours—or even days—of manual work. This approach not only speeds up deployment but also allows you to focus on optimizing the user experience and meeting your organization’s specific requirements.

Get Started Today!

Ready to see how can transform your workflow?

Copy the following snippet

like to have a typescript safe component which can be used to get data from a zod schema.
The input values shall be kept using state variables. Like to have a cancel button and a submit button.
Please ignore the fields named id, created_at, tenant and searchindex

z.object({ "title": z.any().optional(), "description": z.string().optional(), "tenant": z.string().optional(), "searchindex": z.string().describe("Search Index is used for concatenating all searchable fields in a single field making in easier to search\n").optional(), "name": z.string().optional(), "address": z.string().optional(), "site_id": z.number().optional() })

Then head over to and give it a try. In my upcoming video, I’ll walk you through a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a UI from a data model using, so stay tuned!

Disclaimer: This blog is not affiliated with or endorsed by Vercel, the creator of The opinions and experiences shared here are solely those of the author.