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3 posts tagged with "koksmat"

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Tired of manually building user interfaces

· 3 min read

Unlock the Power of Automation with Generating User Interfaces from Data Models

Are you tired of manually building user interfaces for your applications? As a DevAdmin or developer managing complex environments, you know the pain of translating data models into functional, user-friendly interfaces. What if I told you there’s a way to automate this process, saving you hours of work and ensuring consistency across your projects? Let me introduce you to—a powerful tool that can take your data model and generate a fully functional user interface with just a few clicks.

What is is an innovative platform designed to bridge the gap between your data models and the user interfaces that interact with them. Whether you’re managing a small project or overseeing an enterprise-level application, can streamline the process of UI creation, allowing you to focus on the logic and functionality that really matter.

Why Use for UI Generation?

  • Speed and Efficiency: Manually creating user interfaces can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with complex data structures. automates this process, generating a UI that’s not only functional but also customizable to fit your specific needs.

  • Consistency Across Projects: Ensuring a consistent look and feel across different interfaces can be challenging. helps maintain uniformity, so your users have a seamless experience no matter which part of your application they’re interacting with.

  • Ease of Use: Even if you’re not a UI/UX designer, makes it easy to create professional-looking interfaces. Simply provide your data model, and does the rest, offering intuitive and responsive designs out of the box.

Breaking Free from Microsoft 365

· 4 min read

Reducing Dependency on Microsoft 365 with AI-Driven Cloud-Native Microservices: A New Approach to Business Efficiency

In the modern business landscape, digital tools and platforms are essential for streamlining operations, enhancing productivity, and fostering innovation. Microsoft 365 has long been a cornerstone for organizations, offering powerful solutions like Microsoft Forms, PowerApps, Power Automate, LogicApps, Dataverse, and SharePoint Lists. These tools enable businesses to automate workflows, manage data, and develop custom applications with relative ease. However, as businesses scale and their needs evolve, the limitations of relying heavily on Microsoft 365 become increasingly apparent.

The Challenge: Dependency on Microsoft 365

While Microsoft 365 provides a comprehensive suite of tools, its extensive use can lead to challenges such as high costs, limited flexibility, and a risk of vendor lock-in. For organizations aiming to maintain agility, scalability, and control over their data, these challenges can become significant barriers to growth. The need for a more customized, scalable, and cost-effective solution has never been more pressing.

The Solution: AI-Driven Cloud-Native Microservices

To address these challenges, I embarked on a journey to reduce dependency on Microsoft 365 by leveraging the power of AI and cloud-native microservices. The goal was to transition key business processes from Microsoft 365 tools into a more flexible and scalable architecture hosted within my Azure Tenant.

A Journey of Discovery and Reinvention

· 3 min read

Breaking Free from the Microsoft 365 Mold: A Journey of Discovery and Reinvention

Seven years ago, I set out on a mission to demystify Microsoft 365, which was known as Office 365 at the time. Like many IT professionals, I saw the immense potential in this platform but struggled to explain how all the pieces fit together. The complexity of the ecosystem was daunting, and despite my best efforts, I found it nearly impossible to convey a clear, cohesive picture to others.

In my search for clarity, I stumbled upon the work of Matt Wade, a talented individual from the United States who had created a graphic that resonated with me deeply: the Periodic Table of Office 365. This ingenious visual representation neatly organized the myriad components of Office 365 into a format that was both understandable and practical. Inspired by this, I spent years learning how to make such a concept interactive, eventually developing and releasing a web application that incorporated it. We even sold about 20 licenses, but ultimately, we decided to retract it.

The Harsh Truth About Microsoft 365

Through this journey, however, I learned an uncomfortable truth: it’s not possible to explain how everything in Microsoft 365 fits together—because, quite frankly, it doesn’t. It’s reminiscent of Hans Christian Andersen’s tale of the emperor with no clothes. The deeper I delved into Microsoft 365, the more I realized that many of the components don’t integrate seamlessly, despite what’s often advertised.

While Microsoft 365 offers a wealth of tools, the reality is that only a few core elements are truly indispensable. Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Azure Active Directory—whatever it’s called nowadays—are the foundational pillars. These are the services that form the bedrock of any robust Microsoft 365 deployment. On top of that, having an instant messaging system like Teams—with its roots in services like Lync and Skype—certainly adds value, offering persistent chat capabilities that extend the functionality of Exchange.

But beyond these essentials, the rest of Microsoft 365 can feel like a collection of disjointed features, many of which can be more trouble than they’re worth. Power Apps? Power Automate? Dataverse? Over time, I’ve come to realize that these tools, while powerful in their own right, aren’t always necessary—or even practical—for every scenario.