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koksmat auto

The auto command is used to automate various tasks within your project. It supports multiple subcommands, each designed to perform specific automated actions.


koksmat auto [command] [flags]

This command allows you to execute different subcommands under the auto umbrella.

Available Subcommands

The auto command includes the following subcommands:


Automates the addition of certain elements or configurations to your project.


Lists all available automated tasks or configurations in the current context.


Runs PowerShell scripts or commands as part of your automation process.


Automates the removal of elements or configurations from your project.


Executes a predefined automation script or command sequence.

More details


Configures or sets specific parameters or options within your automation tasks.


The auto command supports the following flags:

-h, --help

This flag provides help for the auto command, displaying usage information and available subcommands.

Additional Information

To get more detailed help on any subcommand, you can use the following syntax:

koksmat auto [command] --help

This will provide more in-depth information about each specific subcommand and its available options.

By using the auto command, you can streamline repetitive tasks and manage your project more efficiently by automating various processes.