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Introducing KoksMat

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the complexity and diversity of the Digital Workplace? Do you wish you had some guidance and support to make your work easier and more efficient? Do you want to collaborate with other professionals who share your passion and challenges? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in Koksmat, a project that I have started to offer a helping hand for the Digital Workplace.

Koksmat is a Danish word that means "Chef's assistance". I chose this name because I wanted to convey the idea of providing useful and practical solutions for the Digital Workplace, just like a chef's assistant would do in a kitchen. I also liked the fact that it sounds similar in different languages, and that it has another meaning in English: "Cooks Hand". This inspired me to create a logo with a chef's hat, symbolizing the creativity and expertise that I want to share with you.

In this blog post, I will tell you more about the background and motivation of Koksmat, what kind of solutions I have created and how you can use them, and how you can join me in this project and contribute with your own ideas and feedback. I hope you will find Koksmat useful and enjoyable, and that it will make your Digital Workplace experience more satisfying and productive.