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PowerShell script which sets environment variables from a .env file. The script looks for the first .env file in the current folder and any of the parent folders.

Create a file called set.env.ps1 and store it in a folder on the path - on my mac I store it in the <homedir>/go/bin/ folder.

$loop = $true
$path = (Get-Location).Path
$debug = $true
do {
$filename = "$path/.env"
if ($debug) {
write-output "Checking $filename"
if (Test-Path $filename) {
if ($debug) {
write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Using $filename"
$lines = Get-Content $filename

foreach ($line in $lines) {

$nameValuePair = $line.split("=")
if ($nameValuePair[0] -ne "") {
# if ($debug) {
# write-host "Setting >$($nameValuePair[0])<"
# }
$value = $nameValuePair[1]

for ($i = 2; $i -lt $nameValuePair.Count; $i++) {
$value += "="
$value += $nameValuePair[$i]

# if ($debug) {
# write-host "To >$value<"
# }
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($nameValuePair[0], $value)

$loop = $false
else {
$lastBackslash = $path.LastIndexOf("/")
if ($lastBackslash -lt 4) {
$loop = $false
if ($debug) {
write-output "Didn't find any .env file "
else {
$path = $path.Substring(0, $lastBackslash)

} while ($loop)