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Syncronization Routine


The sync_master_replica function is a PostgreSQL user-defined function designed to synchronize records between a master dataset and its replica. The function performs three main tasks:

  1. Insertion: Inserts records into the replica that are present in the master but not in the replica.
  2. Update: Updates records in the replica that are present in both the master and replica.
  3. Deletion: Deletes records from the replica that are no longer present in the master.


The function accepts five parameters:

  1. mastersql (text): A SQL query string that retrieves the records from the master dataset.
  2. replica_table_name (text): The name of the replica table where the synchronization will occur.
  3. insert_function_name (text): The name of the function that will handle inserting new records into the replica.
  4. update_function_name (text): The name of the function that will handle updating existing records in the replica.
  5. delete_function_name (text): The name of the function that will handle deleting records from the replica.

Return Value

The function returns a table with the following columns:

  • inserted_count (int): The number of records inserted into the replica.
  • updated_count (int): The number of records updated in the replica.
  • deleted_count (int): The number of records deleted from the replica.

Function Logic

  1. Initialization:

    • The counts for inserted, updated, and deleted records are initialized to zero.
  2. Query Construction:

    • A replicasql query is dynamically generated to select records from the replica table.
  3. Insert and Update Records:

    • The function loops through each record returned by the mastersql query.
    • Each master record is converted to a JSONB object (values_json).
    • The function checks if a corresponding record exists in the replica using the koksmat_masterdata_id.
    • If a matching record exists, the update_function_name is called to update the record.
    • If no matching record is found, the insert_function_name is called to insert a new record.
  4. Delete Records:

    • The function loops through each record in the replica table.
    • It checks if the corresponding record exists in the master table.
    • If the record does not exist in the master, the delete_function_name is called to delete the record from the replica.
  5. Return the Results:

    • The function returns the counts of inserted, updated, and deleted records.

Example Usage

SELECT * FROM sync_master_replica(
'SELECT id, field1, field2 FROM master_table',


  • The function relies on dynamic SQL execution (EXECUTE) to handle varying table and function names.
  • The koksmat_sync JSONB object is constructed to track synchronization metadata, such as the master_id.
  • The function assumes that both the master and replica tables share a common identifier (id) and that the replica has a field named koksmat_masterdata_id which links to the master record.

This function is particularly useful in scenarios where data from a source system (master) needs to be synchronized with a replica system, ensuring that both datasets remain consistent.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sync_master_replica(
mastersql text,
replica_table_name text,
insert_function_name text,
update_function_name text,
delete_function_name text
RETURNS TABLE(inserted_count int, updated_count int, deleted_count int) AS $$
master_record record;
replica_record record;
values_json jsonb;
koksmat_sync jsonb;
replicasql text;
-- Initialize the counts
inserted_count := 0;
updated_count := 0;
deleted_count := 0;

-- Generate the replicasql query dynamically
replicasql := format('SELECT id,koksmat_masterdata_id FROM %I', replica_table_name);

-- Step 1: Handle updates and inserts
FOR master_record IN EXECUTE mastersql LOOP
-- Convert the entire master_record into a JSONB object
values_json := to_jsonb(master_record);

-- Create the koksmat_sync JSONB object with the master id
koksmat_sync := jsonb_build_object('master_id',;
RAISE NOTICE 'Calling match: % WHERE koksmat_masterdata_id = ''%''', replicasql,;

-- Find the corresponding replica record
EXECUTE format('%s WHERE koksmat_masterdata_id = ''%s''', replicasql, INTO replica_record;
RAISE NOTICE 'Found %', to_jsonb(replica_record);

IF replica_record is not null THEN
values_json := values_json || jsonb_build_object('id',;
-- If the replica record exists, call the update function
RAISE NOTICE 'Calling update function: % with id: %, actor: %, values: %, koksmat_sync: %',
update_function_name,, 'koksmat-sync', values_json, koksmat_sync;
EXECUTE format('SELECT %I($1::text, $2::jsonb, $3::jsonb)',
USING 'koksmat-sync'::text, values_json::jsonb, koksmat_sync::jsonb;
updated_count := updated_count + 1;
-- If the replica record does not exist, call the insert function
RAISE NOTICE 'Calling insert function: % with actor: %, values: %, koksmat_sync: %',
insert_function_name, 'koksmat-sync', values_json, koksmat_sync;
EXECUTE format('SELECT %I($1::text, $2::jsonb, $3::jsonb)',
USING 'koksmat-sync'::text, values_json::jsonb, koksmat_sync::jsonb;
inserted_count := inserted_count + 1;

-- Step 2: Handle deletions
FOR replica_record IN EXECUTE replicasql LOOP
-- Check if the corresponding master record exists
EXECUTE format('select id from (%s) as s WHERE id = ''%s''', mastersql, replica_record.koksmat_masterdata_id) INTO master_record;

-- If the master record does not exist, call the delete function
values_json :=jsonb_build_object('id',,'hard',false);

RAISE NOTICE 'Calling delete function: % with id: %, actor: %, koksmat_sync: %',
delete_function_name, replica_record.koksmat_masterdata_id, 'koksmat-sync', koksmat_sync;
EXECUTE format('SELECT %I($1::text, $2::jsonb, $3::jsonb)',
USING 'koksmat-sync'::text, values_json::jsonb, koksmat_sync::jsonb;
deleted_count := deleted_count + 1;

-- Return the counts of inserted, updated, and deleted records
RETURN QUERY SELECT inserted_count, updated_count, deleted_count;
END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;