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koksmat auto run

The run subcommand under the auto command is used to initiate and manage an autopilot session in the Koksmat environment. This command executes a series of automated tasks defined in the session, interacting with the Koksmat Studio API.


koksmat auto run [sessionId] [rooturl]

This command runs the autopilot mode with a specific session ID and optionally, a root URL for the Koksmat Studio.


  • sessionId: The ID of the session to be run in autopilot mode. This is a required parameter.
  • rooturl: The base URL of the Koksmat Studio. This is optional; if not provided, the command will use the URL configured in the environment.


The run command does the following:

  • Retrieves the bearer token using the auth.GetToken() method.
  • Constructs the API URL for the autopilot session.
  • Continuously makes requests to the API to check for actions to be performed, such as "ping," "execute," "execute-nostream," or "write."
  • Handles the actions by calling respective handlers like handlePing, handleExecute, and others.
  • Automatically refreshes the bearer token every 10 minutes to ensure continued access.


koksmat auto run V1StGXR8_Z5jdHi6B-myT

This example starts the autopilot session with the ID V1StGXR8_Z5jdHi6B-myT using the default root URL configured in your environment.


The following actions are handled by the run command:


Handled by handlePing, this action responds with a "pong" to keep the session alive.


Handled by handleExecute, this action executes a command with arguments in the context of the autopilot session. It streams the output back to the session.


Handled by handleExecuteNoStream, this action executes a command without streaming the output. Instead, the result is sent back in one complete response.


Handled by handleWrite, this action writes data (e.g., files) to the session's context.

Error Handling

If any errors occur during the execution of these actions, they are logged, and an error response is sent back to the session's API endpoint.

Additional Information

To get more detailed help or to see additional options, you can use the following syntax:

koksmat auto run --help

This will provide more in-depth information about the available parameters and options for the run subcommand.

By using the run command in autopilot mode, you can automate complex workflows and manage them efficiently in the Koksmat environment.