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Subscription Management Service

This document provides an overview of the internal workings of the Subscription Management Service, including details about the web interfaces it provides for managing subscriptions.


The Subscription Management Service handles the lifecycle of client subscriptions, providing key functionality such as:

  • Adding new subscriptions
  • Removing existing subscriptions
  • Updating subscription metadata (e.g., last seen timestamp)
  • Fetching messages with a timeout
  • Automatically managing TTL (time-to-live) to clean up expired subscriptions


The service consists of the following key components:

  1. Subscription: Represents the subscription object containing an ID and other metadata.
  2. SubscriptionStore: Interface that abstracts storage operations for subscriptions.
  3. LastSeenTracker: Manages the last-seen timestamps for each subscription.
  4. TTLManager: Manages the automatic removal of subscriptions that have expired.
  5. Message Fetching: Allows fetching new messages with a timeout.

Sequence Diagram

Below is a sequence diagram illustrating the interaction between different components during the Add Subscription and Get Messages processes.


The service works as a long-running process that continuously manages subscriptions based on the following flows:

1. Add Subscription

When a client requests to add a subscription, the service performs the following steps:

  • Checks if the subscription already exists in the SubscriptionStore.
  • If the subscription does not exist, it is added to the store.
  • The LastSeenTracker is updated to track the last-seen timestamp for the new subscription.

2. Remove Subscription

When a client requests to remove a subscription:

  • The service retrieves the subscription by ID from the SubscriptionStore.
  • If found, the subscription is removed from the store.

3. Update Subscription

Updating a subscription typically involves refreshing the last-seen timestamp. The service:

  • Retrieves the subscription by ID from the SubscriptionStore.
  • Updates the LastSeenTracker to the current time.

4. List Subscriptions

The service can list all subscriptions currently stored in the SubscriptionStore. This is useful for debugging and monitoring purposes.

5. Get Messages

When a client requests new messages for a subscription, the service:

  • Fetches the subscription by ID from the SubscriptionStore.
  • Checks for new messages related to the subscription.
  • If no messages are found, it waits for a specified timeout period before returning.

6. TTL Monitoring

The service includes a background task that continuously checks for subscriptions that have exceeded their TTL. The TTLManager handles this by:

  • Iterating through all subscriptions.
  • Checking if their last-seen timestamp exceeds the defined TTL.
  • Removing expired subscriptions from the store.

Web Interfaces

The following web interfaces are exposed by the Subscription Management Service:

1. Add Subscription

Endpoint: POST /api/workflow/subscription
Action: add

Request Payload:

"action": "add",
"id": "subscription_id"


"status": "added"

2. Remove Subscription

Endpoint: POST /api/workflow/subscription
Action: remove

Request Payload:

"action": "remove",
"id": "subscription_id"


"status": "removed"

3. Update Subscription

Endpoint: POST /api/workflow/subscription
Action: update

Request Payload:

"action": "update",
"id": "subscription_id"


"status": "updated"

4. List Subscriptions

Endpoint: POST /api/workflow/subscription
Action: list

Request Payload:

"action": "list"


"id": "subscription_id_1"
"id": "subscription_id_2"

5. Get Messages

Endpoint: POST /api/workflow/subscription
Action: getMessages

Request Payload:

"action": "getMessages",
"id": "subscription_id",
"timeout": 5


"status": "success",
"messages": ["message1", "message2"]

Timeout Response:

"status": "timeout",
"messages": []


The Subscription Management Service is designed to be a robust and extensible system for managing client subscriptions. It includes built-in mechanisms for handling TTL expiration, ensuring that stale subscriptions are removed automatically. The web interfaces provide easy integration for clients to manage their subscriptions and retrieve messages in real-time.