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11 docs tagged with "Cobra"

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Documentation for the combine command in the Magic Mix CLI, used to merge multiple JSON files into one.


Documentation for the copy command in the Magic Mix CLI, used to move data between database tables.


Detailed documentation for the download command in the Magic Mix CLI, covering its subcommands including auditlog and batch for downloading data.


Comprehensive documentation for the from command in the Magic Mix CLI, including its subcommands for transforming data from Excel files into JSON or SQL formats.


Documentation for the health command in the Magic Mix CLI, used to check the status or version of the core system through various subcommands like ping and coreversion.

Magic Mix CLI

A comprehensive guide to using the Magic Mix CLI, a versatile tool for data operations, including importing, parsing, copying, moving data, and providing microservices for data access.


Documentation for the move command in the Magic Mix CLI, used to move batches of records from one database table to another.


Documentation for the parse command in the Magic Mix CLI, used to parse data files and process meeting data.


Documentation for the service command in the Magic Mix CLI, used to start and manage a NATS microservice instance, including retrieving service statistics.


Documentation for the sql command in the Magic Mix CLI, used to execute and query SQL statements on specified databases.


Documentation for the upload command in the Magic Mix CLI, used to upload a batch of data from a source folder to the database.