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Health Command - Magic Mix CLI

The health command in the Magic Mix CLI is used to perform basic health checks and version checks on the system. It includes subcommands like ping to check responsiveness and coreversion to display the version of the core system.

Table of Contents


The health command allows users to check the health or status of the system by performing simple operations like a ping or checking the version of the core system. This command is useful for ensuring that the system is up and running and is using the correct version.


magic-mix health [command] [flags]

The health command requires a subcommand to specify the type of health check or version check to perform.



The ping subcommand under the health command is used to check the responsiveness of the system. When executed, it sends a simple ping and expects a pong response, confirming that the system is active and responsive.


magic-mix health ping pong [flags]


  • pong: This is a required argument to trigger the pong response.


  • Basic Ping Operation:

    magic-mix health ping pong

    This command sends a ping and expects the system to return pong, confirming that the system is responsive.

    The command also logs the operation, including the start and end of the transcript, which is saved to a file.


  • -h, --help: Displays help information for the ping subcommand.


The coreversion subcommand under the health command is used to check the version of the core system. This is particularly useful for ensuring that the correct version of the system is running.


magic-mix health coreversion [flags]


  • The command returns the version number of the core system.


  • Check Core System Version:

    magic-mix health coreversion


    2024/08/23 09:51:51 Transcript started, output file is /Users/youruser/magic-mix/.koksmat/sessions/20240823T0951507981850200/transcript.txt
    2024/08/23 09:51:51 ##START##
    2024/08/23 09:51:51 v1.0.0.0
    2024/08/23 09:51:51 Transcript stopped, output file is /Users/youruser/magic-mix/.koksmat/sessions/20240823T0951507981850200/transcript.txt

    This output indicates that the core system is running version v1.0.0.0.


  • -h, --help: Displays help information for the coreversion subcommand.


Here are some examples of how to use the health command with its subcommands:

  • Perform a Ping Check:

    magic-mix health ping pong
  • Check Core System Version:

    magic-mix health coreversion