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Copy Command - Magic Mix CLI

The copy command in the Magic Mix CLI is used to transfer batches of records from one database table to another. It is particularly useful for moving data efficiently between different database environments.

Table of Contents


The copy command facilitates the movement of data between database tables, handling data in batches of up to 10,000 records at a time. The destination table is expected to be named importdata, but if a different table is specified, a stored procedure must be provided to move the data accordingly.


magic-mix copy [from] [to] [source] [destination] [storedprocedure] [flags]

Required Parameters

  • from: The source database connection string.
  • to: The destination database connection string.
  • source: The name of the source table (or view) from which data is being copied.
  • destination (optional): The name of the destination table. If not provided or if the destination table is not named importdata, a stored procedure must be provided.
  • storedprocedure (optional): A stored procedure to handle moving data from the importdata table to the final destination table.

Important Notes

  • Page Size: Data is moved in batches with a maximum of 10,000 records per batch.
  • Destination Table Requirement: The data will be copied to a table named importdata. If the destination table has a different name, the operation will fail unless a stored procedure is provided to handle the data transfer from importdata to the final destination.


Here are some examples of how to use the copy command:

  • Basic Copy Operation:

    magic-mix copy "dbsource" "dbdest" "source_table"

    This command copies data from source_table in the dbsource database to the importdata table in the dbdest database.

  • Copy with Destination Table and Stored Procedure:

    magic-mix copy "dbsource" "dbdest" "source_table" "final_table" "move_data_procedure"

    This command copies data from source_table in the dbsource database to the final_table in the dbdest database using the move_data_procedure stored procedure.


  • -h, --help: Displays help information for the copy command.

Global Flags

The following global flags can be used with any command in the Magic Mix CLI:

  • -o, --output string: Specifies the output format (e.g., json, yaml, xml).
  • -v, --verbose: Enables verbose output, providing more detailed information during execution.

Error Handling

If the required parameters for the copy command are not provided, or if the destination table is not correctly handled, you may encounter errors:

  • Missing Parameters:

    Error: requires at least 3 arg(s), only received 0

    Ensure that you provide the from, to, and source parameters at a minimum.

  • Incorrect Destination Table Handling:

    If the destination table is not named importdata and no stored procedure is provided, the task will fail. Make sure to either use importdata as the destination table name or provide a stored procedure.