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Combine Command - Magic Mix CLI

The combine command in the Magic Mix CLI is used to merge multiple JSON files from a specified folder into a single JSON file. This command is particularly useful for consolidating data that is spread across multiple files.

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The combine command allows you to specify a folder containing JSON files and combine all files that match a specified prefix into one single JSON file. Optionally, you can delete the original files after they have been combined.


magic-mix combine sourcefolder prefix [delete] [flags]


  1. sourcefolder: The folder containing the JSON files you want to combine (required).
  2. prefix: The prefix of the files you want to combine (required). Only files matching prefix*.json will be combined.
  3. delete (optional): If the word "delete" is provided as the third argument, the original files will be deleted after combining.


Here are some examples of how to use the combine command:

  • Combine JSON files in a folder:

    magic-mix combine groups owners

    This command combines all files in the groups folder that match the prefix owners (e.g., owners1.json, owners2.json) into a single file named owners.json.

  • Combine and delete original files:

    magic-mix combine groups owners delete

    This command combines all files in the groups folder that match the prefix owners and then deletes the original files after combining them into owners.json.