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From Command - Magic Mix CLI

The from command in the Magic Mix CLI is designed to transform data from various formats, primarily focusing on Excel files. This command serves as the parent for specific subcommands that handle the transformation of Excel data into different target formats like JSON and SQL.

Table of Contents


The from command in the Magic Mix CLI allows users to specify a source format from which data will be transformed. Currently, the command supports transformations from Excel files into other formats such as JSON and SQL.


magic-mix from [command] [flags]

The from command requires a subcommand to define the source and target format for the data transformation.



The excel subcommand specifies that the source format is an Excel file (.xlsx). This subcommand is used in combination with the to subcommand to define the target format for the transformation.


magic-mix from excel [command] [flags]


The to subcommand under excel specifies the target format to which the Excel data will be transformed. This subcommand further includes specific commands like json and sql to define the exact transformation.


magic-mix from excel to [command] [flags]

The json subcommand is used to convert an Excel file into a JSON file.


magic-mix from excel to json [excelfilename] [outputfile] [flags]


  • excelfilename: The Excel file (.xlsx) to transform (required).
  • outputfile: The output JSON file where the transformed data will be saved (required).


  • Convert an Excel file to JSON:

    magic-mix from excel to json data.xlsx data.json

    This command transforms the data in data.xlsx and saves it as data.json.


  • -h, --help: Displays help information for the json subcommand.

The sql subcommand is used to convert data from an Excel sheet into SQL insert statements.


magic-mix from excel to sql [excelfilename] [sheetname] [namespace] [tablename] [flags]


  • excelfilename: The Excel file (.xlsx) to transform (required).
  • sheetname: The name of the sheet within the Excel file to transform (required).
  • namespace: The namespace or schema under which the SQL table exists (required).
  • tablename (optional): The name of the table into which the data should be inserted. If not provided, the name will be inferred from the Excel sheet.


  • Convert an Excel sheet to SQL statements:

    magic-mix from excel to sql data.xlsx Sheet1 mynamespace mytable

    This command generates SQL insert statements for the data in Sheet1 of data.xlsx under the mynamespace schema, targeting the mytable table.

  • Convert an Excel sheet to SQL without specifying a table name:

    magic-mix from excel to sql data.xlsx Sheet1 mynamespace

    This command generates SQL insert statements for the data in Sheet1 of data.xlsx under the mynamespace schema, with the table name inferred from the sheet name.


  • -h, --help: Displays help information for the sql subcommand.


Here are some examples of how to use the from command and its subcommands:

  • Convert Excel to JSON:

    magic-mix from excel to json input.xlsx output.json
  • Convert Excel to SQL:

    magic-mix from excel to sql data.xlsx Sheet1 mynamespace mytable


Each subcommand within the from command has its own specific flags, but the following flag is common across all subcommands:

  • -h, --help: Displays help information for the specific subcommand.

Global Flags

The following global flags can be used with any command in the Magic Mix CLI:

  • -o, --output string: Specifies the output format (e.g., json, yaml, xml).
  • -v, --verbose: Enables verbose output, providing more detailed information during execution.

Error Handling

Common Errors

If the required arguments for the from command's subcommands are not provided, you will see an error like:

Error: requires at least 2 arg(s), only received 0

Make sure to provide all necessary arguments, such as excelfilename, sheetname, and namespace when using the excel to sql subcommand.

Specific Error for sql Subcommand

If the sql subcommand is executed without the required arguments, you will encounter an error message:

Error: accepts 3 arg(s), received 0

Ensure that you provide at least the excelfilename, sheetname, and namespace arguments when using this subcommand.