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Parse Command - Magic Mix CLI

The parse command in the Magic Mix CLI is used to parse data files that have been previously downloaded or generated. The file subcommand specifically calls the ParseMeetings Go function to process meeting data from a given input file.

Table of Contents


The parse command is designed to process data files, particularly JSON files generated from a YAML recipe, by running a parser that extracts and processes specific information. The file subcommand is the primary tool for this purpose, invoking the ParseMeetings function to handle meeting data.


magic-mix parse [command] [flags]

The parse command requires a subcommand to specify the parsing operation.



The file subcommand runs the ParseMeetings function on an input file, typically a JSON file generated from a previous data download.


magic-mix parse file [inputfile] [flags]


  • inputfile: The JSON file to be parsed. This file should contain meeting data structured according to the YAML recipe.


  • Parse a Meeting Data File:

    magic-mix parse file meetings.json

    This command processes the meetings.json file, parsing the meeting data and generating a new output file with timeslot information.

YAML Recipe

The following is an example of a YAML recipe that could be used to generate the input data file for the ParseMeetings function:

- url:{{.emailAddress}}/calendar/calendarView?startDateTime=2024-01-01T00:00:00Z&endDateTime=2025-01-01T00:00:00Z&top=500&select=subject,organizer,start,end
prefix: calendarview-2024
- url:{{.emailAddress}}/calendar/calendarView?startDateTime=2023-01-01T00:00:00Z&endDateTime=2024-01-01T00:00:00Z&top=500&select=subject,organizer,start,end
prefix: calendarview-2023

This YAML configuration defines how data should be downloaded and structured, setting the stage for the ParseMeetings function to process it.

Go Function Overview

ParseMeetings Function

The ParseMeetings function is the core of the file subcommand. It reads and processes meeting data from a JSON file, generating timeslot information for each booking.


  • Opens and reads the input JSON file.
  • Parses the data into a Go structure.
  • Processes each booking, extracting relevant information such as start and end times.
  • Generates timeslots for each booking.
  • Writes the processed data to an output JSON file (booking_timeslots_output.json).

Sample Code Snippet:

func ParseMeetings(inputfile string) {
// Read and parse JSON file
// Process each booking
// Write the result to the output JSON file

Supporting Functions and Structures

  • RoomData, Booking, Room, Timeslot, TimeslotEntry, BookingOutput: These structs represent the data structure used to store and manipulate the parsed meeting data.

  • generateTimeslots: This helper function calculates the timeslots for a booking based on the start and end times.

Sample Timeslot Calculation:

func generateTimeslots(start, end time.Time) []TimeslotEntry {
interval := 15 * time.Minute
var timeslots []TimeslotEntry
return timeslots


Here are some examples of how to use the parse command:

  • Parse a JSON File for Meeting Data:

    magic-mix parse file meetings.json

    This command parses the meetings.json file, processing the data and generating an output file with detailed timeslot information.


The file subcommand itself does not require any specific flags, but you can use common flags such as -h for help.

  • -h, --help: Displays help information for the file subcommand.

Global Flags

The following global flags can be used with any command in the Magic Mix CLI:

  • -o, --output string: Specifies the output format (e.g., json, yaml, xml).
  • -v, --verbose: Enables verbose output, providing more detailed information during execution.

Error Handling

Common Errors

If the input file is missing or incorrectly formatted, the ParseMeetings function will log an error and terminate the process. Common issues include:

  • File Not Found: If the specified input file does not exist, the function will log an error and exit.
  • JSON Parsing Errors: If the JSON data is malformed, the function will log an error and exit.

Handling Specific Scenarios

  • Ensure the input file is correctly formatted according to the expected structure (as defined by the YAML recipe).
  • If errors occur during parsing or file operations, check the console logs for detailed error messages.